Mothers and Exams
Friday, May 8, 2009 8:29 AM
A short post before i continue my form4's Sejarah.
i just changed my blogskin, again. Thanks Marcus for helping me sort things out on my previous skin.
Guess your hard work doesn't really paid off, fully. lolIt's Mother's Day again! Have you done good today? If moping the floor is, then i did. May all mothers on earth live many many more years! Zhen Pei's mom, JonC's mom, Marcus's mom, Andre's mom, Ding's mom, Sam's mom, my mom, your mom... Being a mom is hard, so so hard to take care of us, the hooligans.
Well, it's just not that easy.
Exam is near. In fact less than a day away for some schools. Mine is on Wednesday. Hope i can still get the same spot in my class and go for Hari Anugerah Cermelang next year=)
To all the hooligans out there,
Ora Et Labora!