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Samy's Quote
Thursday, February 28, 2008 7:48 AM
i found this hilarious. But dunno about you guys. XD

1) Samy Velu on pos laju 'BESOK

2) The one on TV when in trying to
say he was ashamed, he said :`Kemaluan
saya besar`

3) On drugs, 'Jangan hisap dada'

4) Samy said in a ceramah 'Kita akan
bina satu jambatan untuk orong-orong
kampong disini' , one pakcik
asked, 'Datuk, sini takde sungai,buat
apa bina jambatan?' and Samy glorious
replied ,'Kalau takde sungai, kita
bina sungai!'

5) Samy's favorite quote on national
television 'Toll naik sikit, manyak
marah saya. You ingat semua ini toll
saya punya bapa punya kah!'

6) During the water shortage
crisis : 'semua orang diminta jgn
membuang aiyerr..!'

7) During blood donation campaign in
Sg Siput : '..marilah kita semua
menderma dara..'

8) During the opening speech of
various function: '...selamat datang
saudara-mara semua..' (actually
is 'saudara-saudari')

9) At an opening
ceremony: 'mempersilakan datin paduka
rafidah aziz naik ke pentas utk
membuka kain'

10)Commenting about his
modesty: 'sebenarnya, kemaluan saya
sangat-sangat besar '

And lastly u know why our N-S
Highway concessionaire is named PLUS.

PLUS = Pungut Lebih Untuk Samy

yea!! Samy Rocks!!

Proton Released New Logo
2:55 AM
Have you heard bout the new logo of Proton? No? Then you're luckily to be here!! imma show you the new logo of Proton. Brace yourself!!! Here we go~

*drums rolling
cheng cheng cheng cheng!

Not clear enough? Don't worry, here's another one. Just for you.

the old one's flat!! Now, its 3D!! XD

Just pics... Pics, pics and more pics!!
2:27 AM
half dead half alive
sorry. im not that good in BM. can any1 explain this? dijual habis ker habis dijual?

wtf? u got yourself burst?
random pic
the black and the white.

VIP passes XD

Editor: Wayne himself