Monday, December 3, 2007 4:35 AM
Damn. Things come out kinda ugly these days. Everything. Bugger... 1st, i've quited my another job, the waiter kinda thingy at Equatorial Hotel cause my dad said so. As a good kid, surelah follow wad my dad say. ^^ Another thingy, the working period was damn long. On last saturday, eh, last last ( dunno wads the name la), i started my work at 5pm, and actually, i reach there at 4.20pm. See? Where else can they find such hardworking, come to work earlier than others, so good looking employee? XD But, no matter wad, you still will start your work at 5. Hehe.. They got some dunno wad 6th Asia Volleyball Cup Anniversary or something liddat. After we set up those tables, a Japanese guy come in and placed all sorts of country name on the table. When he place 'Hong Kong, Taiwan, Kuala Lumpur' on my partner's and my table, we were extremely happy. Guys c'mon, u understand ryte? And when we glance around, we saw 'Jarkata' on my friend's table. And believe me, all boys in the function room was laughing like crazy, with those Pakistanis too. Seriously, LMAO. LAUGH MY ASS OUT!!! and in the end, hm, they seriously din let me down. XD All of them are japs. i dun understand a single thingy they said throughout the whole night. And since im not working there anymore, i'll like to share something. Haha.. That night was a buffet dinner, they served fruit tart and all. Suddenly i saw those thingy, and they looks delicious. And, dunno why, i simply grab a strawberry tart on the serving tray while there was nobody, and bring it to the kitchen and gobbed it down. Cun!!! Other than those food, we got Sake (Sa-Ke), beer, and Soju. Those are alcoholic drinks.
Sake come from Japan and Soju come from Korea. I 'curi' a glass of Soju and bring it to the Steward, again. ^^ i drank just, just one mouth full of Soju and my face got red. im all heated up. Damn it. it freaks me out on the spot. The manager kept on walking in and out and i've do everything to avoid him. After about an hour, im back to me again. Weeee~ glad. The function ended at 12 plus. And i hate it. We have to clean everything up, the whole place. After clearing, set up. The whole night was boring. == My partner and i got ' kicked' out from the place and do some other stuff at other place instead. Luckily i brought my phone along, and sms with babyhuey the whole time. Haha.. Glad. Phew~ At last, we've made it!!! FUYOH!!!! Look at the time, its already 3... am... Hopped in uncle Ken's car and headed straight to home. Got home, take a bubble bath, shower myself with roses and chocolate and went to sleep at 4.
Thats a part of it. ChimOU.
Labels: i've learnt something.. kia-ha-leh in Pakistan language and Hindi means how are u.. hehe..
Sorry dude!!!
4:16 AM
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