Saturday, May 24, 2008 9:18 PM
if im not mistaken, i still owe bri a tag too. isit? Remind me please, machos just get old faster these days. Know why? Too much girls to handle!
Part 1: On the outside
Name: Wayne Hiew ** ****(figure it out yourself!)
Date of Birth: 29th July 1992
Current Status: Single?Couple? President of the United State?
Hair Colour: Five salt six colour
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Part 2: On the Inside
Your Heritage: Chinese+Chinese=macho punya Chinese XD
Your Fear: height counted a?
Part 3: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: Going for a Dog Show but tak jadi
Bedtime: dun recall, always on the phone
Your most missed memory: when kena sunat? HAHAHA
Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Single or Group Dates: Group maybe?
Adidas or Nike: Nike for life
Lipton Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Part 5: Do You...
Smoke: tried once, regret. Just like smoking on a pure dirt bong. i bet blowjob would even be better(never wanna try!!) XD
Curse: dun really, but if i really curse that means im in real anger
Drink : lil
Part 7: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game: NO
Changed who you were to fit in: Always do. Haha
Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession
Love me or hate me, that is the question
If you love me then, thank you!
If you hate me then, **** you!
Part 8: Age
You're hoping to be married: 25+?
Part 9: In A Guy/Girl
Best eye colour: Any colour thats normal. Definitely not red, green, white or something.
Hair colour: Blond
Short or long hair: Just don't too short like those LaLa's
Part 10: What Were You Doing?
1 minute ago: Replying Adam's tag = =
1 hour ago: Having Breakfast
1 month ago: wtf??
Part 11: Finish The Sentences
I love: Anything that loves me
I miss : My childhood
I need: You
Part 12: Tag
i really dun wanna do this, but, Sorry!!
Miss Bimbo, JonC, Macus(since his blog is always copy paste) XD
and other la. XD
List out 5 presents you wish for your upcoming birthday:
- Room Make Over
- My OWN computer
- Lotsa freedom
- Dun wanna do homework but still get straight A's